Saturday, 9 February 2013

Beberapa Lomba yang Bisa Diikuti argUMenters di Bulan Februari

  1. Lomba Menulis Esai Ini Indonesiaku, deadline: 4 maret 2013
  2. IMEC (Innovative Material Engineering) deadline: 28 Februari 2013
  3. Earthquake Design Competition 2013, deadline: 20 Februari 2013
  4. Islamic Movie Competition "FSI FEUI" deadline: 15 Februari 2013 (penerimaan karya paling lambat 17 Februari 2013
  5. LOMBA KARYA TULIS POPULER "Leaders’ Community" deadline: 18 Februari (karya sudah diterima)
  6. Lomba Business Plan Islami deadline: 28 Februari 2013

Ayo....segera ikuti lomba-lomba ini. Inget katanya pak President argUMent 2013, Darmawan...
argUMent 2013 is the YEAR for you to reach your achievements. let's make argUMent full of achievement's flowers. the flowers that are smelling argUMent. The achievements that we can get together are available. the first is our skill in SPEAKing ENGLISH, IPK at least 3,50 and join in some competition and be the winner of it. these are the flowers that will full argUMent of. DO YOU WANT IT ???? like or dislike,,, come on argUMent is waiting for it.

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