Sunday, 31 March 2013


Previous topics: How to Debate
                          What Behind Debate
                          Lets Check The Wider Kinds of Debate System

Hello argUMenters! Glad to see you again!! After introducing you a few explanatuion about Debate, I finally present you a real summary of debate. This debate was held at C8 room in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, The University of Mataram. Held on 24th March 2013, this debate used Australian Parliamantery System Rules.

"Legalize Prostitution" was such an interesting motion. We, member of Junior Debate Class in argUMent UNRAM, was very enthusiasm with this motion. We do hope others argUMenters will feel the same too...!
So, please open your mind, prepare your criticism, defend your argUMenr and Check This Out...!
Happy Reading! :)

(THBT Prostitution Should Be Legalised)
Prostitution can be an addition service for foreign tourist that come to Indonesia in order to increase Indonesian enchantment. More enchantment will invite more tourist to come to Indonesia. It can support “Visit Indonesia” program. So, prostitution will give profit for tourism aspect.
Legalise prostitution will definitely decrease the risk of free sex. Because it give opportunity to organize good regulation for prostitution. Finally veneral disease and virus as the effect of unregulated sex will be reduced.
There are many jobless woman in Indonesia. Legal prostitution will make efficient use on that potencial human resources in the legal way and under the law power.

(THBT Prostitution Should Not Be Legalised)
In fact, the passion of the tourist is to see Indonesian cultures. Prostitution exactly destroys Indonesian culture. So, on the contary, it will give bad effect for Indonesian tourism.
It is not simple to organize all prostitution industry in Indonesia. Beside regulated prostitution don’t guarantee negative effect reduced of  free sex activity.  There are 300 person get AIDS in 2-3 years caused by free sex.
Prostitutes don’t have intelectuall and skill to be Indonesian soure. They have the right to get better job. Legalise prostitution makes fresh graduate or lack of education woman unmotivated to increase their quality.
Prostitution is unmoral activity which has high potency to destroy society.

So, guys, which side you prefer to defend? Make your own argument! Because you are argUMenters! Keep spirit and see yaa!!!

By: Bq. Nila Sari Ningsih

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