Sunday, 31 March 2013

argUMent Work Meeting 2013

Work meeting is one of the argUMent main agendas. This event aimed to know the work programs of each department. Work meeting was held on 12th of March 2013 and started at 2:30 pm. This event was located in the hall of PKM UNRAM. As usual, there was a short speech from the president of argUMent 2013 and the secretary of argUMent. After that, the event was completely started. Next agenda was work program delivered by all of departments. The first opportunity given to the HRD department, reverberant asr azan at 3:40 pm moderated the event and invited argUMenters to stop, pray and return back at 4:00 pm to continue the presentation of other departments. After that, the agenda continued by presentation from the PRD department, Media department and House Hold department. argUMenters was eager to ask about the work programs of each department, although not all argumenters attend this event. After all of department presented their work program, we were continued with discussion about all departments’ work programs in forum, some argUMenters are agree and some disagree too. Sometimes, they gave a solution. Work meeting was closed by saying Alhamdulillah together and finally the event finishes at 6:00 pm.

 By: Siti Syifa'unnisa

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