Friday, 22 February 2013

Lomba Menulis Cerpen, Flash Fiction, Flash True Story “Kisah Cinta Islami” – DL13 Maret 2013

Ketika cinta menyapa, hidup terasa lebih berwarna, beragam rasa melebur menjadi satu, ada bahagia, haru, senang, kecewa dan juga luka. Terkadang masalah datang menguji ketulusan cinta, kadang kebimbangan hadir saat kita dihadapkan pada 2 pilihan. Juga tentang kisah taaruf dan lika-liku menjelang pernikahan yang akan selalu menjadi moment yang tak terlupakan. Dan ketika cinta telah berlabuh dalam sebuah biduk pernikahan, kitapun masih harus belajar untuk terus memaknai cinta.
Yup.., kisah cinta memang selalu menarik untuk dibahas. Di Edisi kali ini, Pena Indhis mengajak sahabat untuk berbagi kisah tentang cinta di Event “Indhis Writing Contest”.
Yuk disimak baik-baik ketentuan lombanya ya..
Syarat dan Ketentuan Lomba
- Peserta adalah Warga Negara Indonesia. (Tidak dibatasi usia ).
- Anggota grup Pena Indhis (, dan WAJIB berteman dengan akun Pena Indhis (
- Naskah ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.
- Naskah harus karya asli, bukan jiplakan atau saduran, belum pernah dipublikasikan di media cetak maupun elektronik dan tidak sedang diikutkan lomba.
Jenis tulisan: CERPEN, bisa dalam bentuk Flash Fiction / FF (Kisah Fiksi) atau Flash True Story / FTS ( Kisah Nyata)
Pilihan Tema
  • Ketika Cinta Menyapa
  • Ketika Cinta Harus Memilih
  • Taaruf vs Pacaran
  • Detik-detik Menjelang Pernikahan
  • Romantika Pernikahan
» Peserta hanya boleh mengirimkan 1 karya terbaiknya untuk setiap tema. Boleh mengirimkan untuk 5 tema sekaligus.
Tidak mengandung pornografi dan kekerasan, serta tidak menyinggung SARA.
Ketentuan Naskah (Mohon diperhatikan)
- Naskah diketik dengan komputer di atas kertas A4 dengan jarak spasi 1,5. Font TNR (Times New Roman) 12, margin 3333, panjang naskah 3 – 5 halaman.
- Di akhir naskah, tuliskan biodata narasimu max 100 kata. Meliputi nama asli, nama pena, alamat tempat tinggal, nama fb, alamat email dan prestasimu dalam dunia menulis. (jika ada).
- Kirim naskahmu ke:, dengan dilampirkan (attachment), tidak ditulis di badan email.
NB: Panjang naskah 5 halaman, sudah termasuk biodata narasi 100 kata
Format pengiriman naskah untuk judul file naskah dan subjek email
» Jenis Tulisan_Tema_Judul Naskah_Nama Pena
Format untuk masing-masing tema:
Tema 1: Ketika Cinta Menyapa
Format: FF/FTS_KC1_Judul Naskah_Nama Pena
Tema 2: Ketika Cinta Harus Memilih
Format: FF/FTS_KC2_Judul Naskah_Nama Pena
Tema 3: Taaruf vs Pacaran
Format: FF/FTS_KC3_Judul Naskah_Nama Pena
Tema 4: Detik-Detik Menjelang Pernikahan
Format: FF/FTS_KC4_Judul Naskah_Nama Pena
Tema 5: Romantika Pernikahan
Format: FF/FTS_KC5_Judul Naskah_Nama Pena
Contoh untuk format pengiriman naskah untuk FF (Fiksi / Cerpen)
=> FF_KC1_Anugerah Cinta (judul)_Nitha Ayesha (Nama Pena)Contoh untuk format pengiriman naskah FTS (Kisah Nyata)
=> FTS_KC1_Anugerah Cinta (Judul) _Nitha Ayesha (Nama Penulis)
Memiliki akun FB dan WAJIB memposting info lomba ini di catatan FB masing-masing dengan mengetag teman minimal 25 teman. Termasuk akun Pena Indhis
Peserta WAJIB Gabung di:
Page Indahnya Islam : ( )
Untuk mengetahui tentang info lomba, update peserta dan pengumuman.
Update peserta insyaallah dilaksanakan setiap 3 hari sekali di grup Pena Indhis, akun Pena Indhis, page Indahnya Islam dan page ~* Karena Berbagi itu Indah *~.
Akan dipilih 30 naskah terbaik untuk dibukukan secara indie dalam bentuk antologi.
NB: Jika jumlah naskah yang lolos lebih dari 30, maka jumlah naskah yang dibukukan bisa lebih dari 30 naskah, untuk 2/3 buku antologi.
Seluruh kontributor akan mendapat e-sertifikat yang akan dikirim ke alamat email masing-masing, dan diskon 10% dari harga buku.
NB: harga diluar ongkos kirim
Reward Pemenang
Juara 1
Mendapatkan e-sertifikat, 1 buku terbit, dan voucher penerbitan senilai 300.000Juara 2
Mendapatkan e-sertifikat, 1 buku terbit, dan voucher penerbitan senilai 200.000 Juara 3
Mendapatkan e-sertifikat, 1 buku terbit, dan voucher penerbitan senilai 150.000.
Pengiriman naskah mulai tanggal 13 Februari s/d 13 Maret 2013 pukul 23.59
Pengumuman pemenang dan kontributor untuk naskah yang dibukukan insyaallah tgl 8 April 2013.
Keputusan panitia bersifat mutlak dan tidak bisa diganggu gugat.
Jangan lupa ikutan ya, yuk kembangkan imajinasimu dalam tulisan dan ajak serta teman-temanmu untuk turut berpartisipasi.
Jika ada pertanyaan mengenai event ini bisa ditanyakan di grup Pena Indhis, dan akun Pena Indhis.
Ditunggu karyanya ya..
Syukron Jazakumullah khairan katsir
Pena Indhis
Team Panitia
(Fandy Said, Nitha Ayesha, Arina Mabruroh,
Jinan Nakiyah, Reza Pahlevi, Tri Sunaryo, Ainah Tung)

Lomba Menulis Ummi 2013

Berhadiah Uang Tunai dan Berlangganan Majalah Ummi

1. Kategori: Senyum Simpul

Tulis pengalaman menarik yang membuat orang tersenyum simpul. Ketentuan: 1) Panjang tulisan 2.500 karakter, 2) Diterima Redaksi paling lambat 1 Maret 2013, 3) Pengumuman di edisi 4/XXV April 2013. Setiap pemenang berhak mendapat piagam penghargaan, berlangganan Ummi 6 edisi, dan uang tunai Rp400.000 (pemenang I), Rp300.000 (pemenang II), Rp200.000 (pemenang III).

2. Kategori: Tamu Kita

Tulisan/profil seputar tokoh perempuan Indonesia yang shalihah, inspiratif, dan memiliki sumbangsih besar bagi masyarakat. Ketentuan: 1) Usia profil 20-50 tahun, konsisten berbusana muslimah, dan kiprahnya sudah merambah/dirasakan manfaatnya minimal sampai tingkat kabupaten, 2) Panjang tulisan 8.000 karakter, sertai foto profil, foto kegiatan, dan foto keluarga, 3) Diterima Redaksi paling lambat 1 Juli 2013, 4) Pengumuman di edisi 9/XXV September 2013.
Setiap pemenang berhak mendapat piagam penghargaan, berlangganan Ummi 6 edisi, dan uang tunai Rp1.000.000 (pemenang I), Rp900.000 (pemenang II), Rp800.000 (pemenang III).

3. Kategori: Cerbung

Cerita bersambung Anda dengan tema bebas. Ketentuan: 1) Panjang cerita maksimal 50.000 karakter, 2) Diterima Redaksi paling lambat 30 September 2013, 3) Pengumuman di edisi 12/XXV Desember 2013. Setiap pemenang berhak mendapat piagam penghargaan, berlangganan Ummi 6 edisi, dan uang tunai Rp1.500.000 (pemenang I), Rp1.200.000 (pemenang II), Rp1.000.000 (pemenang III).

Ketentuan Umum:
  1. Tema tulisan atau cerita tidak melanggar hukum, etika dan SARA.
  2. Naskah karya asli sendiri, belum pernah dipublikasikan dan tidak sedang diikutsertakan dalam lomba penulisan serupa.
  3. Peserta boleh mengirim lebih dari satu naskah, amplop terpisah. Tempel kupon asli di kiri atas amplop.
  4. Sertakan data diri lengkap, fotokopi KTP, nomor rekening, dan NPWP pada lembar terpisah.
  5. Naskah dikirim ke e-mail:, dan pos ke Redaksi Ummi, Jl Mede 42, Utan Kayu, Jakarta Timur 13120.
  6. Naskah menjadi hak Ummi, tidak dikembalikan. Naskah yang layak dapat dimuat dan memperoleh honor sebagaimana biasa.

Deadline: 1 Maret 2013


Thursday, 21 February 2013

The International Aeon Award Short Fiction Contest 2013

The Aeon Award is a prestigious fiction writing competition for short stories in any speculative fiction genre, i.e. fantasy, science fiction, horror or anything in-between or unclassifiable. The Aeon Award short fiction contest has been running since 2004 and has a Grand Prize of €1000 and publication in Albedo One! Second and third place contest prizes are €200 and €100 as well as guaranteed publication in Albedo One, the leading Irish magazine of science fiction, fantasy and horror. This year the contest ends on November 30th.
Entering the Contest is Simple!
(1) Make sure to read the conditions and guidelines further down this page, and if your story is science fiction, fantasy or horror, is less than 10,000 words in length and has not been previously published, simply paste it into the body of an email with your contact details and send it to with “Aeon Award Submission” as the Subject of the email.
(2) Pay the €7.50 entry fee, which we have kept as low as is feasible, by simply clicking on this link, which brings you to a page where you can add the fee to your shopping cart. Once that’s done, click on the Cart button on the menu at the top right of the webpage, and then choose Checkout. From here, you’ll be able to use your credit or debit cards to pay the fee through PayPal, which is fast and secure. Try it, it’s easier than you think!
We understand that rules in fiction contests and writing competitions can be confusing, so we’ve created a Frequently Asked Questions page for the Aeon Award Contest. We also welcome queries and questions, no matter how small, by email, to Frank Ludlow, at
Still wondering why you should enter the Aeon Award contest? Then see our Why Enter? page.
Thanks for your interest in the Aeon Award short fiction contest, and the very best of luck!!!

Albedo One
Ireland’s Magazine of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror
proudly announces the 8th International Aeon Award Short Fiction Contest:

The Aeon Award 2013
Grand Prize: €1000
Second Prize: €200
Third Prize: €100
Plus guaranteed publication in Albedo One for the top three stories
as chosen by our esteemed Grand Judges
Ian Watson, Mike Resnick, Todd McCaffrey and Michael Carroll.
The First Place winner will also have the option of publication in the Storywire section of the excellent

Times & Dates

The Aeon Award short fiction writing contest opens 1st January 2013, and runs for four rounds (or quarters) throughout the year. The submission deadline for the first round is March 31st, the second round June 30th, the third round September 30th and the final round November 30th. The final round is of two months duration, the rest of three months. Each round begins immediately after the end of the previous round (i.e. this means you may submit at any time from 1st Jan to 30th Nov).
At the end of each round, the best short story submissions entered in the writing competition will be chosen by a panel of interim judges, comprised of the editorial team of Albedo One and shortlisted for the Aeon Award short fiction contest. The short stories chosen for shortlisting in each round will be announced on the homepage of the Albedo One website ( shortly after the end of each round, as the writing competition proceeds. The shortlist and final results will also be printed in Albedo One magazine for all the world to see.
At the end of the writing competition, shortly after Nov 30th 2013, the interim judges will choose the six highest-ranking stories from the competition shortlist. The top three winning stories will be chosen from these six stories by the Grand Judges. The decisions of the interim judging panel, and thereafter of the Grand Judges, are final. No correspondence can be entered into in this regard.

Submission Format & Addresses

Entries should be no more than 10,000 words (but there is no minimum word length) and must be typed, double spaced on one side of A4 (or U.S. equivalent) paper, and submitted by post to:
Aeon Award
8 Bachelor’s Walk
Dublin 1
Republic of Ireland
Alternatively, entrants may submit their short stories by e-mail to Submissions must be pasted within the body of the email. Attachments can not be opened for security reasons. Submissions must also clearly have the words “Aeon Award Submission” in their subject lines to prevent mislabeling as spam.
Receipt of email submissions will be acknowledged. If you have not received an acknowledgement three weeks after submitting by email, please send a query to this ( alternative email address (your entry may have become lost along the way). Receipt of postal submissions will also be acknowledged (if an email address is provided in the cover letter) but the timeframe for acknowledgement depends upon when we receive the entry by post.
Multiple entries are allowed throughout the period of the competition. All short story submissions are judged anonymously by the interim and Grand Judges to ensure impartiality. You may submit any number of short stories, and have any number of short stories on the shortlist. Absolutely no prejudice is held against authors who have submitted more than one work of fiction, or with more than one shortlisted story.
Entries are allowed from ALL nationalities. Indeed, the judges are keen to see work from as many countries as possible. However, entries must be in the English language.

Story Rights & Conditions

Entries to the Aeon Award short fiction contest must NOT have been previously published in ANY format in the English language (if in doubt about eligibility, please do feel free to query us). Entries found to have been previously published in English will be disqualified from the competition. Short stories previously published in languages other than English are eligible to enter the competition. This is in line with our goal of promoting writers and writing in the speculative fiction genres from as many regions of the world as possible.
Short stories submitted to the Aeon Award writing contest in each round must NOT be submitted or published elsewhere in any format until the stories that have been chosen for the shortlist are announced on the Albedo One website after the end of each round. If your story has not been chosen for the shortlist after the round in which it was entered, you are then free to submit elsewhere.
Short stories that are chosen for the shortlist after each round must NOT be submitted or published elsewhere until the top six stories from the shortlist have been chosen and announced on the Albedo One website (normally in December of each year). Shortlisted stories found to have been submitted or published elsewhere before the announcement of the top six shortlisted stories will be disqualified from consideration in the competition.
Once the top six stories are announced, all other stories on the shortlist may be submitted or published elsewhere (i.e. absolutely all rights revert to the authors). Of the top six shortlisted stories, Albedo One retains the right, for a limited time, to publish these stories. Authors of these stories will be informed of whether their story will be published in Albedo One within a maximum of two months from the announcement of the top six shortlisted stories.
Of the top three stories (which are guaranteed publication in Albedo One), these must NOT be published elsewhere until after their publication in Albedo One (i.e. rights revert to the authors upon publication – for those concerned, Albedo One and the Aeon Award short fiction contest never, ever, claim permanent rights to your stories).

Payment Details & Options

All stories entered in the Aeon Award short fiction contest must be accompanied by a modest entry fee of €7.50 (euro).
Payment may be made securely and easily using PayPal by clicking on “Shop” from the menu at the top of this page, then choosing “Aeon Award Fee”. Note, you do NOT need a PayPal account to use this option. PayPal accepts payment from all major credit and debit cards and is internationally recognised as a fast, easy and secure way to make online payments (see
You may use PayPal to pay for entries submitted by post or email. For entries paid by PayPal, please provide either your unique Transaction Id code (which will look something like 98B96318D4186023G) OR your unique Receipt Number (which will look something like 2494-4301-2019-0796) with your cover letter (be it for postal or email submissions). These numbers are provided to you by PayPal as you complete the payment process and allow us to verify that you have indeed paid the entry fee (which we have kept as low as is feasible, to ensure that the Aeon Award writing competition is accessible to as many people as possible).
Alternatively, for further alternative payment options (e.g. cheque, bank draft) please contact
The €7.50 entry fee may also be paid in cash enclosed in the envelope with your short story submission.
Please be aware that we will check to see that the entry fee has been paid by one of the above means prior to reading your submission. The Aeon Award short fiction contest is intended to be open to as many people as possible, so if you have any queries or difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact and we will do our best to accommodate you.
We understand that entry rules to fiction contests or writing competitions can be intimidating and complex, so please do feel free to contact us at But before doing so, you may find an answer to your questions at the Aeon Award writing competition FAQ


Sayembara Karya Tulis Nasional Ketua Umum APKASI "Isran Noor" Mendengarkan Aspirasi Otonomi Daerah

Dalam rangka untuk mendengar masukan atau untuk mengetahui pendapat serta aspirasi dari kalangan Siswa dan Mahasiswa mengenai pelaksanaan otonomi daerah, maka Panitia Sayembara Nasional Ketua Umum APKASI (Isran Noor) Penulisan Otonomi daerah akan melaksanakan Sayembara Nasional dalam bentuk lomba karya tulis yang dapat di ikuti oleh siswa Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) dan Mahasiswa dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Adapun syarat dan ketentuan untuk mengikuti Sayembara sebagai berikut :
Informasi Tentang Sayembara Tertulis Nasional Ketua Umum APKASI “ Isran Noor “ Mendengarkan Aspirasi Otonomi Daerah.
1. Lomba dimulai pada tanggal 1 Februari dan berakhir pada tanggal 31 maret 2013.
2. Lomba dilakukan melalui pembuatan makalah / karya tulis.
3. Thema karya tulis mengenai Otonomi Daerah, baik mengenai kemajuan daerah selama otonomi, permasalahan dalam penerapan otonomi daerah, harapan-harapan dengan pelaksanaan otonomi daerah kedepan dan lain-lain.
4. Sayembara ini dibagi menjadi dua kelompok :
a. Kelompok siswa SLTA
b. Kelompok Mahasiswa atau Perguruan Tinggi
5. Karya tulis diketik pada kertas ukuran folio, dengan jarak ketikan 1,5 spasi, panjang tulisan maksimal 5 halaman atau maksimal 5000 kata.
6. Untuk bahan penulisan, bacaan wajib adalah :
a.Buku Politik Otonomi Daerah untuk penguatan NKRI, karya bapak Ir.H. Isran Noor, M.Si,
b.Buku Isran Noor dalam perspektif Media.
c.Kepustakaan lain yang terkait dengan Otonomi dan Pembangunan Daerah.
7. Bahan bacaan tersebut dapat diakses pada website
8. Naskah makalah dikirim ke Panitia Sayembara melalui e-mail dengan alamat :"> , selambat-lambatnya pada tanggal 31 maret 2013.
9. Pada Bagian kiri atas naskah ilmiah, ditulis :
a. Nama
b. Alamat
c. Tempat / Tanggal Lahir
d. Nama Sekolah
e. Alamat Sekolah
10. Lomba akan dilakukan diseluruh Wilayah Indonesia, dan penilaian dilakukan pada masing-masing Propinsi.
11. Peserta dengan karya tulis terbaik pada masing-masing wilayah akan diberikan hadiah berupa uang pembinaan dan piagam masing-masing :

*Tingkat Mahasiswa
1.Juara 1                              : Uang Pemibinaan Rp 5.000.000,-
2.Juara 2                              : Uang Pemibinaan Rp 4.000.000,-
3.Juara 3                              : Uang Pemibinaan Rp 3.000.000,-
4.Juara Harapan 1               : Uang Pemibinaan Rp 2.000.000,-
5.Juara Harapan 2               : Uang Pemibinaan Rp 1.500.000,-
6.Juara Harapan 3               : Uang Pemibinaan Rp 1.000.000,-

12. Seluruh makalah atau karya tulis terbaik (Juara 1) pada masing-masing wilayah lomba, baik dari tingkat SLTA maupun tingkat perguruan tinggi, secara otomatis diikutkan menjadi peserta lomba Tingkat Nasional.
13. Sepuluh orang peserta terbaik tingkat nasional, baik dari tingkat SLTA, maupun perguruan tinggi, akan diundang oleh bapak Isran Noor (Ketua APKASI) ke jakarta untuk menjalani seleksi akhir. Seluruh biaya keberangkatan, pemulangan dari wilayah   masing-masing, serta biaya akomodasi dan makan selama berada di Jakarta, akan ditanggung oleh panitia pelaksana.
14. Untuk juara tingkat Nasional, akan disediakan hadiah berupa uang pembinaan masing-masing :
a.Tingkat Mahasiswa :
1.Juara 1 : Uang Pembinaan Rp 15.000.000,-
2.Juara 2 : Uang Pemibinaan Rp 12.500.000,-
3.Juara 4 : Uang Pembinaan Rp 10.000.000,-
b.Seluruh peserta yang meraih juara 1,2 dan 3 tingkat nasional, akan mendapatkan Piala Ketua APKASI
15. Jika masih terdapat hal yang kurang jelas dalam pelaksanaan lomba ini, selain dapat ditanyakan melalui e-mail dengan alamat"> , juga bisa melalui SMS kenomor 08115810888


Lomba Public Relation Mahasiswa (PRVaganza)

Tentang PRVaganza
PRVaganza merupakan rangkaian kegiatan Pekan Komunikasi 2013 yang bertujuan untuk menjaring gagasan-gagasan kreatif dalam menciptakan strategi program public relations. Kegiatan ini mengajak mahasiswa/i untuk mengasah kemampuan mereka dalam menciptakan strategi program public relations yang kreatif dan sesuai dengan kode etik.

Tema Kegiatan
“Fun Political (Polite and Ethical) Campaign”

Para kandidat politik yang memiliki citra positif di masyarakat akan memeroleh kepercayaan untuk memegang jabatan dalam pemerintahan. Di sinilah peran public relations, yaitumembentuk citra positif kandidat politik di mata masyarakat melalui berbagai program yang dijalankan. Program public relations yang dilakukan dalam bidang politik antara lain adalah saat pra pemilihan umum, yaitu melalui kegiatan kampanye.
Beberapa tahun silam kampanye kandidat politik dilakukan hanya melalui orasi, penempelan poster ataupun pawai di jalan raya. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, akhir-akhir ini kampanye yang dilakukan telah memanfaatkan berbagai media baru dan dikemas semenarik mungkin, seperti melalui video yang diunggah di Youtube ataupun flashmob di tempat umum. Bahkan salah satu kandidat Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2012, menciptakan permainan komputer sederhana sebagai sarana kampanye
Namun disamping euforia penggunaan media baru yang kreatif sebagai sarana berkampanye, masih banyak terjadi pelanggaran-pelanggaran kode etik pada kampanye politik. Seperti banyaknya kampanye politik yang menyinggung isu-isu sensitif, seperti isu SARA. Oleh karena itu, PRVaganza kali ini mengangkat tema Fun Political (Polite and Ethical) Campaign untuk mendorong kreativitas para mahasiswa dalam menciptakan strategi program kampanye politik yang menarik, kreatif, inovatif, namun tidak menyinggung isu SARA

Persyaratan Peserta
  1. Merupakan sebuah tim yang terdiri dari 3 orang (bebas putra dan putri), diperbolehkan berbeda jurusan atau fakultas namun harus berasal dari satu universitas.
  2. Merupakan mahasiswa D3 atau S1 berstatus aktif hingga Maret 2013
  3. Memiliki ketertarikan pada bidang public relations
  4. Menyusun satu buah proposal program public relations kampanye politik.
  5. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi lengkap
  6. Menyertakan scan identitas masing-masing anggota tim (KTP atau KTM)
  7. Melakukan pendaftaran dan pembayaran sesuai dengan alur yang ditentukan panitia
Setiap tim wajib mengirimkan 1 buah proposal. Ketentuan mengenai isi proposal adalah sebagai berikut
  1. Posisikan diri Anda sebagai konsultan public relations untuk kampanye politik pasangan kandidat pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) salah satu provinsi di Indonesia. Pasangan kandidat tersebut harus merupakan tokoh yang nyata dan bukan fiktif. Setiap tim bebas memilih provinsi mana yang akan diangkat.
  2. Setiap institusi/partai memiliki visi dan misi yang direalisasikan melalui program-program dan ditujukan untuk publik tertentu. Tentukan publik manakah yang menjadi prioritas bagi institusi Anda dan buatlah rancangan program yang sesuai dengan publik tersebut berdasarkan keperluan institusi terkait.
  3. Bentuk dan rencanakan program kampanye tersebut dengan menarik, efektif, dan tentunya sesuai dengan etika kampanye dengan menghindari isu SARA.
  4. Proposal kegiatan harus dikemas semenarik mungkin. Proposal tersebut harus mencakup:
  • Analisis situasi – analisa kaitan masalah dengan publik prioritas
  • Tujuan – tujuan akhir yang ingin dicapai
  • Key messages – pesan kunci yang ingin disampaikan pada publik prioritas
  • Target sasaran – khalayak yang ingin dituju
  • Strategi – pemilihan strategi yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan
  • Program – rincian pelaksanaan program
  • Timeline – rencana pelaksanaan program
  • Budgeting – anggaran dana pelaksanaan program
  • Indikator keberhasilan – pengukuran keberhasilan pelaksanaan program
  • Evaluasi – sistem evaluasi yang akan dilaksanakan
5. Keseluruhan isi proposal (tidak termasuk sampul depan) maksimal terdiri dari 15 halaman dengan ukuran kertas A4, font Times    New Roman ukuran 12 poin, spasi 1,5.
6.Penamaan file proposal : (Judul program)_(nama tim)

Alur pendaftaran
  1. Peserta membayar biaya registrasi sebesar Rp 240.000,00 ke ke rekening Bank Mandiri Syariah Acc. No. 4867001595  a.n. Qonita Sukma Hutami selambat-lambatnya tanggal 25 Maret 2013 dan melakukan konfirmasi melalui SMS ke nomor  081287470120 dengan format:
PRVaganza_(nama tim)_ (nama bank)_(nama pemilik rekening)
  1. Peserta mengirimkan proposal program dalam bentuk softcopy dengan format .pdf  beserta syarat pendaftaran lain (formulir pendaftaran, scan KTP/KTM masing-masing anggota tim, serta struk bukti pembayaran biaya registrasi)melalui email ke paling lambat tanggal 25 Maret 2013 pukul 20.00 WIB dengan subyek:
PRVaganza_(nama tim)_(asal universitas)
  1. Sepuluh proposal terbaik akan diumumkan pada 10 April 2013 melalui website
  2. Sepuluh tim yang terpilih akan mengikuti babak final pada 17-19 April 2013 di Universitas Indonesia, Depok
  3. Keputusan dewan juri bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat

Jadwal Rangkaian Pelaksanaan PR Vaganza
No Tanggal Kegiatan
1. 14 Januari – 25 Maret 2013 Periode registrasi :
  • Peserta melakukan pembayaran biaya registrasi
  • Peserta mengirimkan proposal program dan kelengkapan pendaftaran
2. 25 Maret 2013 Batas waktu pengumpulan proposal seleksi
3. 26 Maret – 9 April 2013 Penjurian proposal seleksi
4. 10 April 2013 Pengumuman sepuluh finalis terbaik
5. 16 April 2013 Kedatangan finalis terpilih di Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Jawa Barat
6. 17 April 2013 Pelaksanaan seminar, workshop, dan pemberian brief final
7. 18 April 2013 Presentasi final dan penjurian akhir
6. 19 April 2013 Malam penganugerahan pemenang

Finalis yang dinyatakan menjadi pemenang dalam PRVaganza akan mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai berikut:
Juara I        :  hadiah uang senilai Rp 5.000.000,00 + sertifikat
Juara II       :  hadiah uang senilai Rp 4.000.000,00 + sertifikat
Juara III     :  hadiah uang senilai Rp 3.000.000,00 + sertifikat
 Contact person
  •  Dian Nisita                    : 085710218453
  •  Deasy Kumala Sari     : 081219165816
  •  Ricky Alexander        : 082162855545


The Pinch Literary Awards in Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Nonfiction 2013

Sponsored by the Hohenberg Foundation

Fiction First Prize: $1,000.00.  Judged by Roxane Gay.
Poetry First Prize: $1,000.00.  Judged by Mark Jarman.
Creative Nonfiction First Prize: $1,000.00 Judged by Abigail Thomas.
For more on our illustrious judges, read this.
December 15th – March 15th.  Entries not postmarked within the reading period will be discarded unread.
All entries are considered for publication. First, second, and third place winners will be selected from each category. The first place winners will be published in the Spring issue following announcement. Second and third place winners will be given high-priority consideration for publication, but because of space, cannot be guaranteed. Due to the high volume of submissions, any prize winners will be ineligible for contest participation for three years.
Only unpublished work will be considered. Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but notify us immediately if work is accepted elsewhere. No refunds will be issued.  Manuscripts will not be returned.  You may submit entries online via the link below or via mail.  Emailed entries will not be considered.
No translations will be considered.
Current students and faculty of The University of Memphis, as well as volunteer staff members for The Pinch, are not eligible.
  1. $20 for the first entry; $10 for each subsequent entry. Fiction entries should not exceed 5,000 words. An “entry” in the poetry contest is 1-3 poems, and please include $10 for each group of three after the initial entry. Poems need not be related. Please make checks payable to The University of Memphis Foundation. No cash, please. The $20 entry fee also includes one issue of The Pinch. Additional postage charge for international subscriptions.
  2. A cover sheet with the author’s contact information: name, address, phone number, and email address. The author’s contact information should not appear on the manuscript itself. Entries that do not adhere to this policy will be discarded unread. Please notify us if your address or email changes.
  3. An optional self-addressed stamped postcard for notification of receipt of entry and entry number.
Entering the Contest:
Fiction Contest
The Pinch
Department of English
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152-6176
Poetry Contest
The Pinch
Department of English
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152-6176
Creative Nonfiction Contest
The Pinch
Department of English
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152-6176
See also:
Past Winners


Lomba Karya Tulis Mengenai Dialog Lintas Agama Di Indonesia Tahun 2013

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kesadaran generasi muda akan pentingnya toleransi antar agama yang terus diupayakan melalui sejumlah kegiatan dialog lintas agama di Indonesia serta mencari pemikiran-pemikiran baru dalam menggalakkan kegiatan dialog lintas agama di Indonesia, maka Kementerian Luar Negeri RI yang bekerjasama dengan Kementerian Agama RI dan Kementerian Pemuda dan Olah Raga RI menyelenggarakan:
 Lomba Karya Tulis mengenai Dialog Lintas Agama di Indonesia tahun 2013 (LKT 2013)
Topik umum yang harus tercermin sebagai garis besar dalam setiap karya tulis peserta adalah:
“Peranan dan kontribusi pemuda terhadap pengembangan sikap toleransi antar umat beragama dan promosi kegiatan dialog lintas agama dalam tataran masyarakat, bangsa dan negara di Indonesia.”
Peserta LKT 2013 dapat memilih salah satu sub topik di bawah ini sebagai tema tulisan.
a.     Peluang dan tantangan bagi pemuda dalam menggiatkan dialog lintas agama di kalangan akar rumput.
b.     Kehidupan toleransi umat beragama di Indonesia setelah berkembangnya dialog lintas agama dari sudut pandang generasi muda sebagai komponen masyarakat.
c.     Evaluasi dan Revitalisasi terhadap kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam mengembangkan toleransi umat beragama melalui dialog lintas agama.
d.     Peranan dialog lintas agama terhadap pembentukan citra bangsa Indonesia di masyarakat internasional.
Dalam mengikuti lomba karya tulis ini, terdapat sejumlah prasyarat yang harus dipenuhi oleh setiap peserta lomba penulisan karya tulis ini yaitu:
a.     Warga Negara Indonesia.
b.     Laki-laki atau Perempuan.
c.     Mahasiswa/i S1 dan S2 perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta di Indonesia dan di luar negeri.
d.     Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang baik secara lisan maupun tulisan.
Setiap peserta LKT 2013 hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan 1 (satu) buah karya dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a.     Karya yang dikirimkan oleh setiap peserta harus karya asli dan ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia.
b.     Panjang karya tulis adalah 1000 sampai 2000 kata
c.     Ditulis di atas kertas ukuran A4 dengan ketentuan margin masing-masing sisi adalah 3 cm
d.     Karya tulis diketik dengan font Arial ukuran 11 dengan spasi 1,5
e.     Setiap karya tulis harus mencatumkan Nama penulis, Judul tulisan serta nomer halaman di bagian header pojok kanan atas.
f.      Karya yang dikirimkan belum pernah diikutsertakan pada lomba sejenis dan dipublikasikan sebelumnya.
Setiap pengiriman karya tulis wajib mengikuti ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a.     Setiap peserta hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan karya tulis dalam bentuk file .pdf
b.     Pengiriman karya disertai dengan salinan:
-           Formulir pendaftaran
-           Kartu identitas mahasiswa yang masih berlaku;
-           Surat Keterangan dari fakultas yang menerangkan bahwa ybs merupakan mahasiswa;
-           Pas foto berwarna dengan ukuran maksimum 200kb;
c.     Hasil karya tulis serta dokumen pendukung dikirimkan ke Sekretariat Lomba Karya Tulis mengenai Dialog Lintas Agama di Indonesia tahun 2013 melalui email ke alamat :
d.     Karya tulis paling lambat diterima oleh panitia pada tanggal 10 April 2013 pukul 23:59 WIB.
e.     Naskah yang telah diikutsertakan dalam LKT2013 sepenuhnya menjadi hak milik panitia penyelenggara dan panitia memiliki hak penuh menggunakan karya tulis untuk dipublikasikan dalam bentuk apapun.
Karya tulis yang dinilai memenuhi prasyarat, sesuai dengan topik dan subtopik serta dinilai sebagai 10 (sepuluh) karya terbaik akan dipilih sebagai finalis dalam Lomba Karya Tulis mengenai Dialog  Lintas Agama Tahun 2013.
Nama para finalis akan diumumkan melalui website Kementerian Agama RI, Kementerian Luar Negeri RI, dan Kementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olah Raga. Para finalis selanjutnya akan mempresentasikan pemikiran-pemikiran mengenai dialog lintas agama yang terangkum dalam karya tulis, yang dapat dilakukan dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris, di hadapan dewan juri yang terdiri dari berbagai tokoh serta wakil dari Kementerian yang terlibat.
3 (Tiga) finalis terbaik akan ditetapkan sebagai pemenang Lomba Karya Tulis mengenai Dialog Lintas Agama tahun 2013.
Para pemenang lomba akan diumumkan secara terbuka melalui website resmi Kementerian Luar Negeri RI, Kementerian Agama RI, serta Kementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olah Raga RI serta akan dihubungi melalui telepon dan surat resmi pada 10 Mei 2013.
Tiga pemenang berhak mendapatkan piala dan piagam penghargaan dari Panitia Lomba Karya Tulis mengenai Dialog Lintas Agama di Indonesia tahun 2013. Para pemenang yang terpilih juga akan diikutsertakan dalam beragam kegiatan dialog lintas agama sepanjang tahun 2013 yang diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah RI, baik yang berlangsung di dalam maupun di luar negeri.
Seluruh ketentuan mengenai pemenang Lomba Karya Tulis 2013 mengenai Dialog Lintas Agama merupakan keputusan dewan juri yang bersifat mutlak yang tidak dapat diubah atau diganggu gugat.  
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Sdr. Amalia, Staf Direktorat Diplomasi Publik di email atau melalui telpon dan facsimile di nomor 021-3863509.

Lomba Karya Tulis Al-Qur’an (LKTA) tingkat Nasional

deadline: 10 Maret 2013

hadiah: Juara 1: Rp. 1.500.000,00 + Trophy KEMENAG
Juara 2: Rp. 1.000.000,00
Juara 3: Rp. 500.000,00

Biaya pendaftaran: Rp. 50.000,00

Fasilitas: Sertifikat dan konsumsi

Tema: Al-Qur’an Solusi Masalah Kehidupan

Subtema:     –   Solusi Masalah Lingkungan (Alam)

-   Solusi Masalah Sosial

Ketentuan Kompetisi:

1. Peserta berusia 17-24 tahun (umum)

2. 1 tim maksimal 3 orang dan boleh lintas institute atu lembaga

3. Karya harus orisinil dan belum pernah dipublish atau dilombakan sebelumnya

4. Peserta dapat mengirim lebih dari satu macam karya dengan tim yang berbeda

5. Tahap seleksi: seleksi abstrak, seleksi karya tulis ilmiah dan grand final

6. Seleksi abstrak bersifat GRATIS bagi pengirim abstrak  sebelum 17 Februari 2013

7. Peserta wajib melunasi biaya pendaftaran jika lolos seleksi abstrak

8. Formulir pendaftaran dan informasi lengkap bisa diperoleh di website remsi Chemistry Islamic Studies (CIS) Kimia FMIPA ITS


Lomba Foto Islam tingkat Nasional

deadline: 10 Maret 2013

hadiah: Juara 1: Rp. 750.000,00
Juara 2: Rp. 500.000,00
Juara 3: Rp. 250.000,00

Tema: Islam itu Indah


Terbuka untuk WNI
Peserta dapat mengirimkan lebih dari 1 foto
Karya harus orisinil dan belum pernah dilombakan
Tidak diperkenankan melakukan olah digital pada foto
Setiap foto disertai judul dan deskripsinya
Setiap peserta berhak mengikuti pameran foto di kampus ITS Surabaya
Foto dapat dikirim dalam bentuk hardcopy atau softcopy

Biaya pendaftaran: Rp. 20.000,00/foto

Fasilitas: Sertifikat dan stand pameran


Lomba Business Plan Islami 2013

Lomba bisnis plan merupakan tulisan yang berisi gagasan atau deskripsi suatu usaha yang menerapkan prinsip-prinsip syariah Islam. Dalam lomba ini setiap kegiatan usaha harus tidak boleh bertentangan dengan hukum Islam. Diutamakan bisnis yang berorientasi terhadap kemaslahatan masyarakat umum (sociopreneur).

“Memasyarakatkan Ekonomi Islam dalam Membangun Bisnis Masyarakat”

Persyaratan Peserta
1. Peserta bisa individu atau kelompok (maksimal tiga orang/kelompok)
2. Bukan peserta Olimpiade Ekonomi Islam TEMILNAS XII
3. Mahasiswa aktif (Diploma dan Strata 1) dari PTN atau PTS Se Indonesia dibuktikan dengan melampirkan fotokopi KTM (Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa)
4. Anggota tim diperbolehkan berasal dari fakultas atau jurusan yang berbeda dalam satu universitas

Prosedur Pendaftaran
1. Peserta mengunduh petunjuk teknis dan formulir
2. Peserta mengirimkan proposal, formulir dan FC KTM ke email anamlutfi.
3. Batas pengiriman proposal tanggal 28 Februari 2013 pukul 24.00 WIB
4. Pendaftaran tidak di pungut biaya

Sistematika Penulisan
1. Proposal Bisnis Plan (Cover,isi, atau lampiran) boleh didesain sekreatif mungkin
2. Poin-poin pada cover WAJIB yang wajib disertakan adalah:
b. Judul Proposal
c. Nama Kelompok dan Anggota(nama lengkap/NIM)
d. Logo, Nama dan Kota Perguruan Tinggi peserta
3. Bentuk dan ukuran proposal bebas
4. Maksimal 20 halaman tidak termasuk cover dan lampiran.
5. Poin-poin yang dituliskan pada isi adalah*:
A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Berisi tentang rangkuman isi bisnis plan anda, yakni tentang bagaimana dan apa produk anda, visi-misinya, mengapa anda memilih usaha/bisnis tersebut hingga bagaimana prospek bisnis/usaha anda kedepan.



............*tambahkan sub-poin lainnya bila perlu




Berisi tentang cara pelaksanaan bisnis anda.
Berisi tentang desain produksi serta layoutnya.
Berisi tentang bagaimana supply chain dan distribusi.
Berisi tentang pemanfaatan teknologi pada bisnis anda.

Berisi tentang cara anda memasarkan produk/jasa dari bisnis anda.
Berisi tentang strategi-strategi pemasaran yang diterapkan guna bisnis anda.

Deskripsi tentang bagaimana sistem SDM di dalam perusahaan anda.
Tambahkan job description, job specification, hingga biaya-biaya guna SDM pada perusahaan anda bila diperlukan.

Berisi tentang perhitungan keuangan dari awal penganggaran modal hingga tercapainya BEP (waktu impas) dan wajib diproyeksikan dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun.

Berisi tentang uraian dampak pada masyarakat sekitar, dampak pada lingkungan, analisis resiko usaha, serta bagaimana solusi-solusinya.

Berisi tentang bagaimanarencana anda guna mengembangkan usaha bisnis anda.
Wajib berisikan tahapan-tahapan kegiatan pengembahan usaha anda.

1. PETA LOKASI (wajib dilengkapi dengan deskripsi pemilihan tempat).
3. ............*tambahkan sub-poin lainnya bila perlu

CP Retno Wulandari (085641258464)

*namun tidak membatasi juga apabila setiap tim memiliki sub-poin tambahan didalamnya (menyesuaikan kebutuhan)

Download panduan lengkap disini
Download formulir pendaftarab disini


March Competition

  1. Lomba Esai ISAF 2013 deadline: 18 Maret 2013
  2. Recycle Art Competition ITS Expo 2013 deadline: 15 Maret 2013
  3. LOMBA KARYA TULIS ILMIAH Indonesia Economics Festival 2013 STAN deadline: 3 Maret 2013
  4. Lomba Foto Islami Tingkat Nasional  deadline: 10 Maret 2013
  5. Lomba Karya Tulis Al-Quran (LKTA) deadline: 10 Maret 2013
  6. The Pinch Literary Awards in Fiction  deadline: 15 Maret 2013
  7. Lomba Public Relation Mahasiswa deadline: 25 Maret 2013
  8. Sayembara Karya Tulis Nasional Ketua deadline: 31 Maret 2013
  9. Lomba Menulis Cerpen Flash Fiction, Flash True Story “Kisah Cinta Islami”  deadline: 13 Maret 2013
  10. 3 Lomba Menulis Ummi 2013 deadline: 1 Maret 2013
  11. Alternative Energy Competition 2013  DL: 17 Maret 2013

Monday, 18 February 2013

Strategies of Structure and Written Expression for TOEFL

 Strategy of Structure

1. First study the sentence.
    Your purpose is to determine what is needed to complete the sentence correctly.

2. Then study each answer based on how well it completes the sentence.
     Eliminate answers that do not complete the sentence correctly.

3. Do not try to eliminate incorrect answers by looking only at the answers.
    The incorrect answers are generally correct by themselves. The incorrect answers are generally incorrect only when used to complete the sentence.

4. Never leave any answers blank.
    Be sure to answer each question even if you are unsure of the correct response.

5. Do not spend too much time on the Structure questions.
    Be sure to leave adequate time for the Written Expression questions

The ten problems or  skills are:

1. Problem with  Subject and Verbs

2. Problem with  Objects of Prepositions

3. Problem with Present Participles

4. Problem with Past Participles

5. Problem with Coordinate Connectors

6. Problem with  Adverb Clause Connectors

7. Problem with Noun Clause Connectors

8. Problem with Noun Clause Connectors/Subjects

9. Problem with Adjective Clause Connectors

10. Problem with Adjective Clause Connectors/Subject

Strategies of Written Expression

1. First look at the underlined word or groups of words.
    You want to see if you can spot which of the four answer choices is not correct.

2. If you have been unable to find the error by looking only at the four underlined expressions, then read the complete sentence
    Often an underlined expression is incorrect because of something in another part of the sentence. 
3. Never leave any answers blank.
    Be sure to answer each question even if you are unsure of the correct response.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Strategies of Listening for TOEFL

There are 6 specific listening strategies on part A:

  1. As you listen to each short conversation,focus on the line of the conversation. The answer of the question is generally found in the second line.
  2. Keep in mind that the correct answer is probably a restatement of a key word or idea in the second line of conversation. Think or possibles restatement.
  3. Keep in mind that certain structure and expression are tested regularly in Listening part A
  4. Keep in mind the question generally progress from easy to difficult. This means that questions 1 through 5 will be the easiest and the question 26 through 30 will be the hardest.
  5. Read the answer and choose the best answer to each question. Remember to answer each question even if you are not sure of the correct respone. Never leave any answers blank.
  6. Even if you don't understand the complete conversation,you can find the correct answer.
  • if you only understood a few words or ideas in the second line, choose the answer that contains a restatement of those words or ideas.
  • if you don't understand anything at all the second line of the conversation, choose the answer that sounds the most different from what you heard.
  • never choose the answer because it sounds like what you heard in the conversation.

There are 5 listening strategies on part B:

    1. If you have the time, preview the answers to the Listening Part B questions.
        While you are looking at the answers, you should try to anticipate the questions for each of the groups of answers.

    2. Listen carefully to the first line of the conversation.
       The first line of the conversation often contains the main idea, subject, or topic of the conversation, and you will often be asked to answer such questions.

    3. As you listen to the conversation, follow along with the answers in your test book, and try to 
        determine the correct answers.
       Detail questions are generally answered in order in the conversation, and the answers often sound the same as what is said on the recording.

    4. You should guess even if you are not sure. Never leave any answers blank.

    5. Use any remaining time to look ahead at the answers to the questions that follow

    Next: Strategies of Structure and Written Expressions

      Friday, 15 February 2013

      SUSI (Study of the U.S. Institutes) for Scholars


      Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Scholars are designed to strengthen curricula and improve the quality of teaching about the United States in academic institutions overseas. Foreign university faculty, secondary educators and other scholars spend approximately four weeks at host universities where they take part in a series of lectures, seminar discussions and site visits related to each institute’s theme. They learn about American educational philosophies, explore new teaching methods and pursue related research interests.
      Participants spend the remaining two weeks on a study tour, which complements the academic program and includes visits to sites of interest in another geographic region of the country. Each institute concludes with several days of meetings and related study in Washington, D.C.

      Program Details

      Study of the U.S. Institutes

      The Institute on American Politics and Political Thought
      Hosted by:
      University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts
      Program Dates: June 14, 2012 – July 27, 2012
      The Study of the U.S. Institute on American Politics and Political Thought focuses on the interplay between ideas and institutions in shaping the contemporary American polity. The Institute provides an overview of the country's democratic founding, and discussions of race, religion, immigration, gender, and civil rights weave together a stronger understanding of the development of American political institutions. The academic program consists of discussions with practicing politicians and policy makers as well as lecture and seminar style instruction. Participants also have time to work on an independent research project with the assistance of university faculty.
      Participants travel to Boston; New York; Gettysburg, PA; Charlottesville, VA; and Washington, D.C., to experience and examine places relevant to American politics and political thought.
      The Institute on Contemporary American Literature
      Hosted by:
      University of Louisville
      Program Dates: June 15, 2012 – July 28, 2012
      The Study of the U.S. Institute on Contemporary American Literature surveys contemporary American writers and writing in a variety of genres and investigates how the themes explored in those works reflect larger currents within contemporary American society and culture. Seminars, lectures, and discussions address broad themes such as: the transition from modernism to postmodernism; questions of race, history and identity; and cultural scripting and rescripting. In investigating these topics, participants are exposed not only to the present diversity of the American literary landscape but to writers who represent a departure from that tradition and are establishing new directions for American literature.
      A study tour takes participants to Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM; San Francisco, CA; Cincinnati, OH; and Washington, D.C. where they participate in seminars conducted by a variety of authors, attend a theatrical production, and visit sites related to their assigned readings.
      The Institute on Journalism and Media
      Hosted by:
      Ohio University 
      Program Dates: July 5, 2012 – August 15, 2012
      The Study of the U.S. Institute on Journalism and Media examines the unique role that the media plays in American society and government. The Institute includes lectures and discussions on various themes such as media, ethics and society; the legal framework for press freedoms; the roles and responsibilities of journalism in a democracy; and media business models in an era of technological change. The Institute dedicates time on pedagogy and improving journalism curriculum design; such sessions include teaching media ethics, designing a student run newscast, and developing workshops for professional journalists. During the course of their study at Ohio University, participants also observe local media outlets and news organizations in Athens, OH.

      The academic program is complemented by a study tour during which participants have the opportunity to visit ABC and CBS affiliates in Cleveland, OH, and a major radio station and production company in Pittsburgh, PA. In Atlanta, GA, participants visit the CNN International Newsroom. The Institute concludes in Washington, D.C., where participants meet with executives from Voice of America and WorldNet as well as visit national monuments and historical landmarks.
      The Institute on Religious Pluralism in the United States
      Hosted by: The University of California, Santa Barbara
      Program Dates: June 23, 2012 – August 5, 2012
      The Study of the U.S. Institute on Religious Pluralism in the United States examines the intersection between U.S. religious pluralism and democracy. The Institute explores both the historical and contemporary relationship between church and state in the U.S and the ways in which religious thought and practice have influenced, and been influenced by, the development of American-style democracy. Participants have an opportunity to share their perspectives on the study of religion and to investigate the history and sociology of American religion and the many religious majority and minority groups in the country. Participants visit local places of worship and examine films to provide context to classroom discussion. In addition, participants work with university faculty to develop, conduct, and present a related research project.
      Participants also travel to Salt Lake City, Utah, where they visit the Church History Museum and attend a panel discussion on religious minorities in Mormon populated areas. In Atlanta, the participants visit a Jewish Synagogue, Hindu Temple and Islamic Mosque, as well as Georgia State University to discuss Southern religions. The Institute concludes in Washington, D.C., where participants investigate related topics at the Holocaust Museum, the National Cathedral and other related sites.
      The Institute for Secondary School Educators
      Hosted by: Institute for Training and Development, Amherst, Massachusetts
      Program Dates: June 15, 2012 – July 28, 2012 
      The Institute for Secondary School Educators
      Hosted by: California State University, Chico 
      Program Dates: June 7, 2012 – July 20, 2012
      The Study of the U.S. Institute for Secondary School Educators provides two multinational groups of 30 experienced and highly-motivated secondary school educators* with a deeper understanding of U.S. society and culture, past and present in order to enhance the scope and depth of the participants’ own secondary school courses. The Institute examines political, economic, and cultural issues in America as well as current trends in secondary education. Participants also have the opportunity to visit sites relevant to U.S. history and prominent Americans they are teaching about in their home countries. During the Institute, each participant will use their experiences to develop new lesson plans, training materials, or academic articles.

      Participants at the Institute hosted by the Institute for Training and Development (ITD) will complement the campus program with a study tour to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming to explore American environmental stewardship and to Salt Lake City, Utah to explore pluralism. The participants at the Institute hosted by the California State University, Chico (CSU) will participate in a study tour that explores civic engagement in Midwestern communities in Chicago, IL; Dubuque, IA; and Platteville, WI. Both the ITD and the CSU study tours showcase the rich cultural, geographic, and ethnic diversity of the United States.

      *This includes teachers, teacher trainers, textbook writers, curriculum developers and education ministry officials.
      The Institute on U.S. Culture and Society
      Hosted by: New York University
      Program Dates: June 9, 2012 – July 22, 2012
      The Study of the U.S. Institute on U.S. Culture and Society provides a group of foreign scholars with a deeper understanding of U.S. society, culture, values and institutions. The Institute examines the ethnic, racial, economic, political, and religious contexts in which various cultures have manifested themselves in U.S. society, and the ways in which these cultures have influenced social movements throughout U.S. history. The program draws from a diverse disciplinary base, and provides a model of how a foreign university might approach the study of U.S. culture and society. It includes more than 60 different speakers and panelists drawn from leading universities, political organizations, the media, labor unions, business and the arts.
      Participants also travel to New England, Arizona, and Washington, D.C. – three demographically and geographically diverse areas of the country.
      The Institute on U.S. Foreign Policy
      Hosted by: The University of Florida, Gainesville 
      Program Dates: June 10, 2012 – July 21, 2012

       The Study of the U.S. Institute on U.S. Foreign Policy examines the intersection of ideas and structures in the development of U.S. foreign policy with an emphasis on the main philosophical traditions behind U.S. foreign policy; the grand strategies and frameworks that have developed as a result; and who shapes these policies from their conceptualization to enactment. The program emphasizes the relationship between U.S. policies and the political, social, and economic forces in the country that constitute the domestic context for debating, formulating, and executing policies. The program also examines the role of U.S. foreign policy within the context of international relations and international institutions.
      For additional study and discussions, participants tour three major cities that shape U.S. foreign policy: Miami, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.
      The Institute on U.S. National Security Policymaking
      Hosted by: Institute for Training and Development, Amherst, Massachusetts
       Program Dates: January 27, 2012 – March 10, 2012
      The Study of the U.S. Institute on U.S. National Security Policymaking examines the foundations and formulation of U.S. national security policy, with specific emphasis the post-Cold War era and in the context of the ongoing war against terrorism. Participants explore continuity and change in U.S. national security policy, examining how U.S. national security policy has dealt with specific areas of concern over time, for example nuclear proliferation, weapons of mass destruction, and combating international terror networks. Utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach, the program examines the various historical, geographic, economic, cultural, and political factors involved in setting U.S. national security policy.
      Participants deepen their understanding of the topic by taking study tours to San Diego, CA; New York City; Boston and Washington D.C., where they visit sites of historical significance and meet with professionals in the field.

      Related info: why must participate in SUSI? 
