Saturday, 22 March 2014

Raker 2014

“If you fail to plan something, then very likely you will plan a failure”
-Raker.argUMent 2014

                The RAKER (Work-Plan Meeting) started around 2 o’clock in the afternoon that day. Everyone was anxious to start, including me. Saying that is an understatement, because that day, Wednesday 26th February 2014 was the first time for all argUMenters to meet again after a long long holiday…YAY!! \(^^)/… In this annual event, all coordinators had to explain their programs to the forum along with the purposes.
The meeting started with al-Qur’an reciting and other opening ceremony agendas.  The first speech was delivered by the president of argUMent 2014 and soon followed by DPO. Both speeches were very heartwarming and inspiring. Thus, we are very proud to be a part of argUMent ‘till today. One particular part of the speech that was like a perfect image for the event was the saying that said “If you fail to plan something, then very likely you will plan a failure.” If we think about it carefully, we will see the truth in it. So, if we want to have successful events. We have to plan it successfully!! 
There are some back-and-forth arguments between the forum about the work programs but it is done with debate ethics so it was not trouble at all. after all, we are argUMenters so debating each others' arguments is a must! dont you think so???
So, that is all the summary for our RAKER on 2014, see you on the next RAKER!!

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